With the help of PFLAG we started running support groups for the parents and guardians of trans and non binary people of all ages. In early 2016 we started holding our own with the assistance of a qualified and unbiased facilitator. These have proved to be one of the most effective ways we can help our members.
It can be scary and confronting for parents when their child comes out to them or starts presenting in gender non conforming ways. It doesn’t matter how old your child is they are always your baby and as parents you need to be able to protect them from harm and anguish. However this isn’t always possible and sometimes as a transition progresses things seem to get worse before they get better. This is all a very normal part of the process whether it is simply social transition or medical intervention; it is a steep learning curve for everyone. Having other parents to talk to makes it all so much easier and will be of an incredible comfort to you.
At the support groups we often have guest speakers come in to tackle various topics from an expert perspective and allow those attending the group to ask all the questions you need without concern that you will offend or upset anyone. We understand that as parents you may require further information on gender diversity, pronouns and transition that you may not be able to ask your child. Allow us to answer those questions for you.
We also have a hidden online Facebook based group where those who can’t make it to our in person groups can ask questions and vent their fears.